Created in the year 2006, the cooperation between Rocamix and other universities around the world allows a clear and productive cooperation.
We are looking for people with a free mind that want to think in a possibility of create a major specialty in civil engineering based on the Rocamix System.
We must think about it.….
We must remember that all must all the ground stabilization methodology, in the world is based on studies and achievement of an American engineering after the great depression of 1929 done at the same time with the contribution of the ¨New deal¨ impose by the president of the United State of America, that develop a enormous quantity of infrastructure jobs.
And that was good.
Well, after numerous centuries the engineering for the roads construction and other railroads, found a scientific path. But there is one obstacle that bothers in the beginning of the century XXI, is that all this rules, all this Lab trials, all this engineering looks froze in that time and we had saw just a few changes in this 80 years. We know that the level of knowledge and the science global level of the 30th were much less competitive.
We give a simple Example
What do you think of the meteo prevision of the late 30th of the last century and the prevision of today? They have nothing in common and that was the alliance of the 70th of the 2 sciences: the meteorological science and the computer science.
And the result was superb!
That’s why, we must create paths.
Por eso, debemos abrir caminos.
The Civil engineering science, in the past, almost never got mixed with the chemistry .That is why I think that a very important future can be made, if we join the knowledge of professors, engineering, doctors in Science that they could think alike and can contribute to develop the idea and the technics for the creations of other ideas in courses that mix the civil engineering with the chemistry, classic and novel experiments, and observe the effect on the microscope .. etc..etc.
Of course, the todays rules are laws that had being approve and certify.
But also in the future rules we must include the waterproofing rules discovered thanks to the contribution of the companies like Rocamix and other that had proven that the 3 more lethal enemies of the stabilization are the water, the water, and the water .
And sill today, to solve this problem the civil engineering had come with only one remedy: a very expensive waterproofing material, on top of the sub base and base .
Luckily Rocamix Came
Rocamix …. A revolution on the road …!