ROCAMIX, for profit, for perfect
Rocamix is the ideal proposal for any government, ministries cooperatives, organizations Businessman and Engineers that look for efficient and economical solutions. To develop and cover the market initiatives, Rocamix lean on suppliers that contribute in the expansion of this technics. Enter in a Group of companies using the Rocamix System is to ensure a participation in a project that it only could be measure by its own ambition due that the market is huge. In every country there is a lacking of communications means by roads or railway ,the need of water storages , canals to recover the precious water , the lacking of waterproof embankment, farming roads , exist a endless list of basic , vitals and human’s needs. Professionalism, collaboration, introduction, applying and imaging are the key to success.Because of that various organizations can help to spread the word on the Rocamix system: The municipalities, provinces, responsible of expenses for the communities, that want a safe, durable and more economic job, use the Rocamix System., The Companies that ask for information about the Rocamix system and have a innovate and pride spirit of making works that last for tens of years. The cooperative, social organizations that gather humble people that put at they disposal they jobs, and with the help of a very basic equipment of a low cost .Use the Rocamix System to improve the roads. Allowing an easy communication , create water storages so they can store water and using the system in a multiple ways .The simple and uncomplicated need it for the use of the system combine with a low cost allow the system to be a proposal for these communities. Join the ROCAMIX EXPANSION, offer the opportunities of creating jobs, because it has undeniable qualities and exceptional benefits, that allows us it use with different objectives like: • Making canals on the field to communicate to different locations. • Construct mayor roads to asses to big works. • Participates to fodder the quest for oil or any other, stabilizing platform in some time a very unstable soil. • Waterproof the bottom, of the dumpsters to avoid the pollution of the freátic Sources. • And many other reasons.... |