Rocamix theorem (10+10+20)

Based on basic laboratory studies (Granulometry and Atterberg Limits), it is possible to confirm that the soil to be treated will be favorable to the effects of treatment with the Rocamix System.

Plasticity Index (PI)
At least 10%.

Liquid Limit (LL)
At least 20%.

For soils that do not have these characteristics, laboratory tests will be carried out with Natural Soil + Rocamix + Catalyst to determine the exact doses and mixtures of the same.

In the most extreme case, a clay addition of 3 to 8% (depending on laboratory results) will be provided and mixed with the soil to be treated.

Particle size
200 sieve (0.075 mm)
A minimum of 10% of the soil must pass through the 200 sieve.